I have an 11 year old old guy who is getting a bit unsteady on his feet. So far, nothing major has happened, but you can tell that my Flash gets stiff or sore. We have a half step out our back door to a porch and then four steps down to the yard. He has sometimes stumbled going down the stairs, so that he kind of face-plants. Going up, he sometimes just stands there and stares at me, like he knows he can't do it and I have to go out and boost his butt up to help him get up the stairs. <br>
<br>So, okay, I went out and bought him a ramp - it's not a permanent one, but a its hard plastic with carpet on it and it telescopes. I have it anchored in place so that it doesn't move. Money is a bit tight, so I bought this kind so that I can take it and use it to get him in the car, too, if necessary. <br>
<br>The problem is, I CANNOT get his stubborn butt to you use the ramp. His final go-out of the night late last night was especially rough for him, so I forced him down the ramp this morning. He fought me the whole way and ended up basically sliding down the thing. He's a big boy, and he fought me so hard, I couldn't get him to go back up it after the traumatic experience of going down it. <br>
<br>So does anybody have any suggestions on how to get him used to the ramp? I'm worried that if I keep forcing him, he's going to injure himself in his fighting me and sliding around on it.<br><br>Or is there something other than the ramp that I can do? <br>
<br>Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Nicole Haase<br><a href="mailto:nicole.haase@gmail.com">nicole.haase@gmail.com</a><br>414-708-3542<br>