Had to chime in here.<div><br></div><div>Please, please, please, don't try to "alpha" roll your dog. It's a way to get yourself bit, and fast. It's an outdated, archaic method of training-and does nothing other than to add further stress on your dog. Yeah, I know Cesar does it-don't get me started on that. Dog training has moved in to a more "science" based training-and science has proven, with results, time and time again that positive, non-adversive methods (clicker training, etc.) have much better results than the old school, heavy handed, forced based "dominance" training.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Think of it this way-what if you were at work, and having a heated disagreement with a coworker that came to blows....and your boss came in, grabbed you by your shirt collar, threw you to the floor, yelled at you, and pinned you down, how would you react? Chances are, you'd struggle and attempt to hit/push him in an effort to free yourself. Dog behavior is very similar, and because dogs can't verbalize the words get off, a lot of times, they will snap or bite. And, from them on out, how would you perceive your boss? You probably would be leery of him/her and not trust them a whole heck of a lot.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Here's some places/resources to start with:<br><br></div><div>-Google "Nothing in Life is Free" (you may need to add dog training)</div><div>-Book: "Ruff Love" by Susan Garrett</div>
<div>-DVD: TACT Training "Touch Associated Clicker Training"</div><div>-Book: Karen Pryor "Click to Calm" (this is specific to dog on dog aggression)</div><div><br></div><div>I also recommend you find a certified veterinary behaviorist you can meet with and discuss your options.</div>
<div><br></div><div>I am especially sensitive about this as I will be fostering a lovely, bouncy barely 1.5 year old basset who is now labeled a biter because the people who had him decided to yank him off the couch by his collar when he growled at their other dog, and then proceed to attempt to "alpha roll" him. And what did he do? He bit. Had I not been willing to foster him because I see a wonderful dog and truly think he was set up to fail initially, he may have not had an other options, and that would have been a tragedy.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Your mileage may vary,</div><div><div><br></div>--<br>Lisa M. Lucas<br>CT-ATCH Lucas's Definitely a Diva (Princess-Basset) NAC TG-N NJC MXP MJP2 NFP NA NAJ NF<br>HIT Hound 2009 CPE Nationals<div>2011 AKC Agility Invitational Qualifier<br>
C-ATCH3 CT-ATCH Buford (Basset) CGC RE BN NAJ AXP AJP OFP NJC O-TN-N O-NAC O-TG-N ChWC ChCL ChST ChFH ChSN ChJP ChJU TChWC TChFH TChCL<br>#1 Ranked Basset Hound Novice Preferred 2007 (AKC)<br>#1 Ranked Basset Hound Novice Jumpers Preferred 2007 (AKC)<br>
Lucas's Living on the Edge (Hobbes-Basset) CTL1-F CTL1-R CTL1-H CTL1-S<br>Alkemi Austin Healey ST (Austin-Swedish Vallhund) CL1-R</div><br>