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<font style="font-size:12pt" face="Verdana" size="3">I know I'm in good company when I say I'm a Basset case, so you'll *also* go nutzoid when you see these:<br><br>Image Arts has boxed Christmas cards that feature a Basset puppy and kitten, both snoozing, puppy's ear over the kitten's head. To my untrained eye, the Basset looks like it might be a red and white. The article number is 1299BXC1437, is 18 cards for thirteen bucks and reads, "May the gift of peace be with you this Christmas." I bought them at a local Hallmark Cards. I had to limit myself to one box and am mentally wondering who amongst my acquaintances will deserve them and who will deserve other, inferior, cards, LOL.<br><br>Thank you to all who have written me about Flash. I'm ploughing through your kind emails and am replying to each, although not as quickly as I'd like. <br><br><br>Veronica Woodruff<br><br><br>(Stillwater Lake, Nova Scotia) <br><br> <br id="ecxFontBreak"></font><br><br><font style="" color="#7030a0"><font style="" color="#632423">"Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress. With it, there is accomplishment. Without it, there are only alibis." Henry Ford</font><br></font> </div></body>