Everybody will be thrilled to hear that Flash is walking today! <br><br>I woke up to find him in the kitchen - not knowing how he got there, since he hasn't left the bedroom without help since he went down. <br><br>He apparently had been trying to get outside and I didn't hear him, because he had peed on the floor. No worries - my fault - I started to clean it up.<br>
<br>Seems he got bored with my cleaning, because he stood up and walked back to the bedroom! Like it was no big deal! And lest we think it was a fluke, he did it again this afternoon. I was in tears I was so excited.<br>
Clearly this is good news, but we know things can still turn sour, so we're just taking it one day at a time. But this is an amazing development and we're just so happy. The vet thought this was a highly unlikely outcome, so we're just thrilled. <br>
<br>So thank you everybody for the notes and kind thoughts and drool - clearly they worked! Keep sending them, please! We can only hope he continues to get better from here. <br><br>I could do cartwheels around the living room. On Monday I was sent home because I couldn't stop crying for thinking Flash was going to need to be put down and here we are with him walking. Please, please, please let him be ok from here. <br>
<br>Thanks everyone<br>Nicole with Flash and Betsy<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Nicole Haase<br><a href="mailto:nicole.haase@gmail.com">nicole.haase@gmail.com</a><br>414-708-3542<br>