<div>There are some naughty bassets who live here. Not sure who is the naughtiest. I would imagine that they all helped in the naughtiness. When the DH came home from church he found lots of naughty things all over the floor and the streak stretched from the kitchen to the family room. There were mashed potatoes, corn and even a jalepeno or two in the mix. Someone had taken the trash and stuff on the counter and had a playday with it. Apparently Miss Maggie was involved because she is now sporting a mashed potato faux hawk down one side of her head. Mashed potatoes work as well as gel, apparently. She is on her zebra blanket sleeping off her morning of mayhem right now. It is my fault that there was such yummy stuff in the trash. I meant to take it out but I was in someting of a snit with son #2 and forgot all about it. When I was trying to get him up for church this morning he had the "something" to tell me that I woke him up too early and deprived him of sleep. Too early was 25 minutes before we needed to leave. I DEPRIVED HIM OF SLEEP. He has been doing that to me for almost 23 years. Anyway, because I forgot to take out the trash, the bassets had a grand old play date with the trash can. My wonderful DH cleaned it all up before we got home. Bassets never fail to entertain and annoy.</div>
<div> </div><div>Drools to all. Enjoy Sunday. </div><div>Ninja, Marley, Maggie and Shelby and the mom</div>