We've been living with yet another crashed computer so I'm just now able to catch up on the drool!<br><br>In regards to tramadol...... Kelvin tried his hand at it after a full week of pulling the 'drama king' routine of limping around and generally acting pitiful. I finally took pity on the old man, takes 4 days for him to give up the routine if he's faking it, and we went to see yet another new vet here where we've moved. This one's a keeper, finally.<br>
<br>First up his CRF is not just well controlled, it's astoundingly almost non existent on his blood work now. His BUN was 16 (he has not been this far into the normal range of 7-25 since we've had him) and his creatine is 1.3! Vet recommended the tramadol since it would affect his kidneys less. <br>
<br>We started it that night, it was a Friday. He slept straight through the night and could barely rouse himself enough to eat the next morning. In fact he didn't even finish his meal, which is sooooo not normal. Slept all day, had to be carried out to use the facilities, refuse evening meal and this was only HALF THE DOSE THE VET WANTED HIM ON!!!! Slept through to Monday with the exception of a few very confused 15 minutes here or there where he was panicky and baying or stumbling around drunk, lost a bit of weight, scared the crap out of me. And his limping/stiffness was still there. Called vet, was switched to Prevacox immediately. Took until that Friday before he ate full rations again and could stay awake like normal without the confusion or drunk walking. This was this past Friday, now he's back to walking without limping, no stiffness, climbing most stairs, and generally loving life and his cats again.<br>
<br>So no tramadol for the old geezer! <br><br>Carmen and herd<br>