<div>I have never seen an episode of basset rage but I have lived with a mean basset. Sunny was our resident mean girl for over eleven years. She would bite and growl and fight. But she was just mean. If you did anything she didn't like, she got mad. She had been abused before we got her we think. She hated people wearing white, white shoes, feet and brooms. She was a beautiful basset but she was nasty a lot of the time. I would have gotten rid of her if there had been someone who would have taken her. She didn't like anyone except my oldest son. She and Josh were both grumpy. She would do anything he wanted and she didn't grouch at him because he grouched back. She is in his Senior pictures. That crabby old girl went to the photography studio and sat like a princess while getting her picture taken. </div>
<div> </div><div>She was mean the whole time we had her. We thought lots of love would fix that and it never did. She just couldn't forget the things that were done to her. She eventually died of old age. She was a learning experience and I have the scars to prove it. </div>
<div> </div><div>Drools.</div>