<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div style="RIGHT: auto">Well. My husband and I have conceded. Bo won.</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">Since Bo became ill two years ago (ulcerative colitis controlled on medication, one of which is a steroid which causes increased peeing), we have been struggling with the battle of the pee-hound. Bo is also afraid of the dark (along with most everything else); plus doesn't do stairs, and is stubborn as a brain-impaired mule. Go, bassitude. Bo's pee accidents cost us a fortune when we moved out of our rental and had to replace an entire house with new carpeting. We bought an old wreck of a house last March and have been settling in. First we installed a wonderful forty-foot, gradually sloped ramp from the house to the yard (thank you everyone for ramp suggestions), and installed a doggie door and after dark lighting. No money left of course for painting the house or repairing the roof. Hey, priorities. During the day, Bo uses the ramp and doggie door, no problem. 1 for us. At night, forget it. Bo wakes me every 3 hours and I go
outside with him to take care of business. Okay, I had babies once. I can handle it.</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">My husband used to complain endlessly about "dog pee smell". We invested in KOE. Great stuff. Bo doesn't always wake me--or else sometimes my body rebels against the wake-up calls. The carpeting in our new (old wreck) house needs replacing. Well, not a priority. KOE at least once a month.</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">So how has Bo won? My husband has stopped complaining!!! Last night we both stepped on a new wet spot. I said, "Oh no, Mr. Pee-body struck again". My husband said, "Well, it is what it is. One day he won't be with us and we will miss him and tell fond, wistful stories". Can you believe it??!! I can't. I have never heard anything like this issue from Bill's lips before. I exclaimed, "What??!" And Bill replied, "It reassures me to know that if some day I am in the very same place, you will smile and help me out." Wow, I love this man. Bo won. But so have I. Val, Bo (I am a master), and Harley (I am perfect, Mr. Goody-two-shoes).<VAR id=yui-ie-cursor></VAR></div></div></body></html>