<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>We're sorry to learn the sad news that Kipper has left for the bridge. He was so fortunate to have a wonderful home and family in his life, and we know how he enjoyed all the comforts that you gave to him, Sandy. Please accept our sincere condolences on your loss.I know our Sadie atb is showing him around and watching out for him.</DIV>
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<DIV>We're glad to know the Western MO Basset Rescue group was able to take care of all those rescued bassets who needed medical and physical care. I'm so glad Buster is all patched up - and all the others. Chris, you're doing a wonderful job caring for the hounds.</DIV>
<DIV>And those newly adopted sisters sound like they've found their home - it must be a riot having 2 Cleo's in the house. I remember the original basset TV star Cleo who was on early black & white TV on a show w/Jackie Cooper - I think it was called "The People's Choice." I wonder if there are any other "seasoned" Droolers around who remember that show. I hope everybody's staying warm & cozy in this fall weather.</DIV>
<DIV> Beryl & Raymond</DIV>
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