Are persimmons ok for dogs? How about raccoon poop? <br><br>Our neighbors have a persimmon tree and the raccoons eat them and then cr@p in our yard. My 2 little angels then go hunting and in turn eat said cr@p. <br><br>Twice in the past month Cowboy has puked up something awful - which we now suspect is raccoon cr@p as this morning's puke had a little orange sliver of fruit...lovely!<br>
<br>Oobviously we need to find a way to keep them from finding/eating raccoon feces but my bigger concern is how dangerous it could be. I recall that drinking from puddles is dangerous b/c raccoons and other wildlife pee in the puddles and can cause dogs to acquire Lepto or something like does the same go for eating raccoon poo? <br>
<br>Thanks in advance,<br>Kacy with Cow and Ru - "we don't eat our own poop, that would be disgusting......only other animals." :)<br>