Well, I recently downsized from a large mobile home with a king size bed to a 30' Camp trailer with a slightly smaller than twin bed. I have three bassets and they still think sleeping in mom's bed is the place to be. Once in a while there's a little bit of tussle but mostly the only one who has problems is me... try sleeping in a 72"X33" bed (and being 5'11" tall) with 3 hounds. Anyway, one night I ended up a mom sandwich between Miss Mollie Grace and Norton B. Nortie was the smart one and was asleep between me and the wall. Mollie was asleep on the aisle side of the bed. They were snoring lightly and woke me up. I moved my leg and suddenly "WHUMP!" There goes Mollie onto the floor. I shifted around to see if she was OK. She was still asleep. She took half of my blanket with her and was wrapped up in the blanket sound asleep. She didn't move for several more hours!! In fact when I got out of bed she stayed on the floor for about another hour!! I so love my hounds!! <br>
Janis and the Havasu Hounds<br>Newman D<br>Norton B<br>Mollie Grace<br>