<div>Ok, here I am again now that I've calmed down a little. $1000 is a LOT of money for our little rescue so we're pretty excited!</div><div> </div><div>Val Brewer emailed me and made a good point about the Grand Prize and does BaRCSE think that we can actually win it. I honestly don't know what to say. BaRCSE is fifth in the nation (that is AMAZING!!) but we haven't made any gains on the other SC shelter that is actually in first place in SC. They seem to be steadily pulling ahead daily despite all of you voting every day for BaRCSE. I don't like to have a defeatist attitude but I think we have to be realistic. Unless someone has something up their sleeve and you can share it with BaRCSE, I honestly don't know that we will get enough votes to win that ultimate prize. I would LOVE to see another basset hound rescue benefit from our votes and I know all of us at BaRCSE will gladly switch our votes to another rescue. It's a holiday and I'm not sure how much folks are checking their email so I'm sending my note to Chris Bly since she seems to be our Challenge manager. BaRCSE is so grateful to have won anything! Winning the grand prize would be just amazing and I'd love to see BaRCSE accomplish that but I have to be realistic and say honestly that I just don't know that we can make that happen. If there is another basset hound rescue out there that has a chance of winning rescue of the week or winning for their state, I say let's go for it! It's all for the hounds!</div>
<div> </div><div>Again, BaRCSE thanks all of you for your votes!</div><div> </div><div>Jane & the Houndettes</div><div>Jersey, Shadow, Suzy & Ginger</div><div>and foster boy Tybee</div><div>VP, BaRCSE</div>