<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'><P>I was not waddlin in Ohio. I do not fly. If bassets were meant to fly, my ears would be stiff and my body would be little. Periwinkle called me and told me the following: My human flew to Pittsburgh where Periwinkle and Sampson picked her up at the airport. Okay, Auntie Carol drove, the houndies like to be driven. Hard to see over the dashboard if we drive. They went many miles to Ohio and checked into the incredibly nice for the moolah Red Woof. Elvis and his trainees, Peaches and Peanut showed up a little later. The next day Rudy and Izzy came, bringing a semisnackdawg named Eddie. Eddie tried to make a break for it, but Auntie Carol is really fast and ran a nickzillion yards after him. My slave and Angelika have got to stop asking Auntie Carol why she runs if nobody is chasing her. It worked for catching Eddie. That and he had to stop to pee. </P>
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<P>CHUNKY is my son. Which makes my slave his grandslave. She got to go with him as he worked the streets of Berea, sniffing everybody and trolling for candy in the streets. Apparently the kidlets do not catch all that is thrown. Too bad they won't toss meatballs and cookies. She slave and Auntie Carol wish that Auntie Marilyn could have run over the guy with the xylophone who only knew three howliday tunes. After the 427th time, Jingle Bell Rock just does not sound all that good. The weather was lovely and much petting took place.</P>
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<P>Auntie Melissa, Uncle Charlie and Gramma Jo were there and ate dinner with my human and the Aunties. They were very happy to have found traditional waddle weekend fare. Lebanese food. Apparently garlic sauce is necessary. Auntie Melissa brought mucho garlic sauce for my human, Auntie's Angelika and Chunky's slave Marilyn. It came home......the slaves smell good.</P>
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<P>My slave was happy it was warm! Periwinkle and Sampson went into Cleveland and enjoyed a walkie by the staduim and museums. They waddled with a few dozen of their friends. Auntie M did a real good job, had volunteers to help and got the she slave to hawk raffle tickets. Including some to herself. She won us some cookies, some toys for Peri and a jacket that King George's Gramma did a few years back. Apparently it turned out to be too big for Auntie A who bid on it then....as soon as she takes a few words off it, she will be well dressed for the next waddle season. It is not too big for my fat slave.</P>
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<P>Thanks to Auntie Marilyn, Chunky, the bootiful Olivia who clearly needs more treats cause she wanted to eat my slave's purse and Christmas the Beagle! They helped Ohio Basset Rescue.....seems like the mini waddle is turnin in to a real waddle....heheheheeeeeee. Love it.</P>
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<P>...it seems that whenever she flies out of Pittsbugh the flight is delayed. Serves her right for not driving and taking me!!!</P>
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<P>HoHoHo. </P>
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<P>PAWTUNIA...where are those cookies. She smells like my Chunkypuppy</P></div></body></html>