If anybody follows msnbc.com, today's news includes a story on living on
$50K a year. It is illustrated with a photo of the couple in
question, and their 2 dogs. One is a black mixbreed thaat lookes
like it might be a basset wannabe and the other is a red and white blanket
female who appears to have had puppies at some point. The dogs are
not mentioned by name. Are these folks droolers? The humans
are named in the areticle so I suppose I can name them here: Katie
Delano and Brian Delano.<br /><br />crazy basset lady<br />MAKE DROOL NOT
WAR<br /><br />Please take time to visit these websites:<br />Rebec
Bassets at <br />www.rebecbassets.com <br />Basset Buddies Rescue, Inc.
at www.bbrescue.org<br />