<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div style="RIGHT: auto">I am pleased to report that the dog diaper outfit I made has worked for five straight days (with everynight peeing and two episodes of, as Bev delicately says, "the squirts"). (We are in the middle of a medication change for Bo due to liver complications from his current regimen and the transition is a bear). I am extremely hopeful. I know the design can be streamlined and improved, but for now we're golden. So I want to share the design with all of you.</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">I have written out sewing instructions that I think anyone could follow (but I can't guarantee), in my very most obsessive fashion. I think they are clear. Don't let the length fool you. I think I went step by step and dotted every "i" so please forgive the redundancies. The pattern is super easy and the sewing skills for making one are minimal. My DH took photos of the whole process and formatted the document for me, so we have a sound document, I think. It has photos and is too long to publish on the Drool, but I can forward a copy to anyone who is interested. E-mail me.</div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto">There is also a whisper in the wind that Barbara Thulin might be willing to make these suits on special order to benefit Sr. Houndsabound, so it might be possible to just order such a suit in the future from Bessie's Boutique (We need to await Barbara's verdict on this). So....I'm planning to sew myself a few suits for Bo. If anyone knows how to post this stuff to Photobucket or Picasaweb or something like that which would give website access, please feel free to do so. A lot of us have had "belly band" failures, and I'd love to share this success with dog owners wherever. And I'm sure a second generation of dog garment inventors could do even better than this. Semper fido! P.S. There are some very cute pictures of Commander Bo and myself in the document. Val<VAR id=yui-ie-cursor></VAR> </div></div></body></html>