<font><font face="verdana,sans-serif"><div><br>Last year when Cooper had his front leg amputated a friend loaned us her up-off-the-floor double-dish stand thingie so Cooper could drink and eat without bending down quite so far. Gradually it turned into a double drinking station and the Bassets loved it and their ears sometimes stay dry (yes I know they make special bowls for long ears). Nigel had the weirdest way of drinking, by tilting his head sideways and drinking out of the far back edge of the bowl. </div>
<div> </div><div>So, when Nigel became our own little poster boy for disabled Bassets, we bought him a slightly smaller version of the same thing to put in his pen. It had to be a bit smaller to be steady on the floor.</div>
<div> </div><div>Will he drink out of it?</div><div>Twice I have seen him use it, and he has had it since we put up the pen. How does he drink? He drags himself off the bed, down the steps (crash!) across the room to the original set-up, where he twists his neck around and from a sitting position drinks out of the far back edge of the bowl. He will empty the bowl this way and set to work on the second one. (He always tanked up.)</div>
<div> </div><div>Why won't he use the one in his crate? I keep it clean and full of cold, fresh water. Is it just because he is a Basset, or is there some deeper meaning that I am missing? Is it a message? Is being a Basset message enough?</div>
<div>Curious MomPerson wants to know.</div><div> </div><div>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis. Conley and Cooper</div><div></div></font><div></div></font><div> </div>