Duh, "because he's a basset".<div><br></div><div>Seriously, I ask myself the same questions. </div><div><ul><li>Why does Guinness have to eat out of everyone's bowl, but not his own?</li><li>Why does MacKenzie jump up on the furniture, but not the car?</li>
<li>Why does Gallagher jump up in the car, but not the furniture?</li><li>Why DOES Poppy bark?</li><li>Why does Guinness play outside for half an hour and come in and pee on the kitchen floor?</li><li>Why does Gallagher ring the bell when it's time for us to get up?</li>
<li>Does the coffee table really taste that good?</li></ul><div>Well, I forgot that yesterday was our "calendar day". I can't believe how much white is in Gallagher's face since that picture was taken, just over a year ago. </div>