<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><DIV>Ah, Chris Bly</DIV>
<DIV>"Just picture this.... a white linoleum floor in the kitchen, and a dog door in kitchen leading from grass barren yard to kitchen. Ten Bassets and Basset wannabees, four paws on each = 40 paws, 2 inches of rain today. Ten Bassets nervous walking in and out of dog door because of rainstorm. Six Bassets wandering around kitchen as I try to mop to get enough mud off floor that we do not slide across the room when we step onto kichen floor like a skating rink. I need wine and chocolate but am out of both guess I will just sit here and pout."</DIV>
<DIV>One word: Scrubbing Bubbles. I used it by accident on my linoleum floor and my son came home and loudly proclaimed : "Wow, the floor is WHITE!" Also use it for cleaning drool and dog snot (yes, I have one with allergies, and if you think drool is bad, dog snot is 10 times worse). Seriously. Can be a bit slippery if you are not careful on the floors, but does a really amazing job. </DIV>
<DIV>Marilyn Briggs</DIV></td></tr></table>