Dear Conley & Llewis - I wanna tank youze for misbehabin' so much (eben if it do land youze guyz in jail alot). Cuz when my mama reads about all your (and other Droolers houndies) misadventures, it makes her smilez and realize that I is not the only (to quotez my mama) "rottenest Basset Hound that ever lived and why do you do the things you do"!!! Hope youze guys get sprunged from da "hoosgow" before Christmas.<div>
<br></div><div>Luv, snooters & brudderhood, your pal Quincy P. Fartwhistle <br style><br style>((<span style>MomPrsn gotta new cote. </span><br style><span style>It got a bunny onit.</span><br style><span style>I git da cote drag it inna nodder room</span><br style>
<span style>Me an Llewis we chew onna bunny part</span><br style><span style>meke it all nize an drooly.</span><br style><br style><span style>we riting frum jail.</span><br style><span style>She say we heer forebber.</span><br style>
<span style>Plse send treets to</span><br style><br style><span style>Conly an Llewis</span><br style><span style>In Jail</span><br style><span style>Illinois</span><br style><br style><span style>Fanks.))</span> <br clear="all">
<div><br></div><div>Christmas hugs, snooter kisses, and healing drool to all in need.</div><div><br></div>-- <br><div>Vicki Kerns<br> </div>
<p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;line-height:normal"><span style="font-size:8.5pt;color:black"><span> </span>~≈≈~</span></p>
<p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt"><span style="font-size:8.5pt;color:black;line-height:115%"><span> </span>//^ ^\\<br>(/(_•_)\)<br><span> </span>_/''*''\_<br>(/_)^(_\) ~ </span>"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."</p>