<p>This be Cooper again. Momperson gotted her tent outta her tummy and was doing fine for bout 20 minites or so and den started having pains in her tumtum...the hoobrudder called the peopledoc an he tolled him to git mommy to the peoplespital again...well mommy was not havin nun of dat but brudder tole her yes she was goin, he be big brudder, like ten feets tall...yes Toby he is two ten feets tall...so back to the peoplespital she went. Hoobruddwr said he lerned sum nu words when he was dwivin her dere! Dey dint find any mowr of dem rocks in her, well in her weft kidny anyways I finks she has sum in hew hed cuz she likes Toby and da dum catbrudders...owww Toby that wernt nececcessry to bited me tail now was it? FINE, you typie on the pooter den.</p>
<p>Toby here, we sure miss our mommy, she spended the last 2 nights in the peoplespital...Dey no know what da matter wif her kidny but hopfuly she can come home taday if those treats she don't share in the brown bottles helps her feels better so she no have to have da straw in her arm no more...yes she does so have a straw in her arm Cooper...it called an IB...I had one ob dem when I gotten my toof takn out...no the vetman didn't take my bwains out, least I gotted a bwains, yu just a dumm bwonde...oh just yu wait tills I dun, den I am gonna get youse, you little bwat</p>
<p>Well I'm gunna go chase stooped brudder Cooper, will let ebererybuddy nose whuts goin on wif mommy as soon as we find out any more...byebye for now<br>
Toby the mostest magnificent king of da house, dumb blonde Cooper, Millie and the dumb catbrudders...oh and da hoobrudder to </p>