<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div>We are so sorry, Tim, to hear that Dreamer went to the Bridge. We know your pain. Early in the summer, we lost our youngest, ten-year-old Abner, to bloat. I'd been watching our fourteen-year-old Belvedere for a long time, fearing he would not be long with us. But I never expected to lose Abner that quickly, despite his tumor, which seemed to be worsening daily.</div><div> </div><div>At the summer's end, we lost Belvedere, my favorite hound, to his terrible arthritis. He went down in the back, and I knew it was time. Bel started us in rescue and adored me from the moment he set eyes on me.</div><div> </div><div>No dog can be replaced. And I'm sure you wouldn't want a "replacement" for Dreamer anyway. He has a special place in your heart that is just his size and shape. You need time to grieve his
loss, to know how special he was to you and how special you were to him too.</div><div> </div><div>I often wondered how people could lose multiple dogs in a single year and still go on. I never quite expected I would be one of them. I can't say I have a formula for dealing with such loss--I don't think there is one. But I am thankful that I had time with these hounds, even though it wasn't long enough. I think it helps to recognize that each has a unique place in your heart.</div><div> </div><div>Grieve as long as you need to. I think that timing differs from one person to another. But I have found that while another dog cannot take the place of the lost dog, it provides a wonderful distraction that helps the grief. For me, the solution has been to foster. Not just for a day or week, but for an extended time. That way I do not feel the pressure to adopt, but if adoption seems right, it is a possibility.</div><div> </div><div>Right now we
have two fosters with health issues that need to be dealt with. Once those are worked out, I wouldn't be surprised if we "own" more than one dog.</div><div> </div><div>You miss Dreamer, as is right, since he was part of your life for a long time. Not to miss him would be rather heartless. But know that in time you can move past it, though he will always have a tender place in your heart.</div><div>Pam, food slave to the Dashing Bassets</div><div>Lady Jane and fosters Holly and Dexter</div></div></body></html>