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Deer Maggie, my lub,<div>Dis Buster, yur fureber boyfurend. I hope dat you gets da new budder. I habs brudders and sisters and dey can be wots of fun to pway wif. </div><div>I will teww him how to be sweet to my gurlfurend. I habs a new brudder we gotted yesterday, but he is not-a-basset. He is a widdel black puppy dat you can see himz ribz hims so thin. Hiz name is Gabe and he iz going to see da vetperson tuday. Himz was libbin outside in da cold wif not much food or attenshun or nuffin. Himz libbed wif a naybor, and when da Mama saw how thin him iz, her had daddy ask if we'ze cud gib him a home. Duh naybor sed yes, so he iz now part ob da Thundering Herd and libbin inside wif da rest ob we gettin food and lub and eberryfing. </div><div>Happy New Ear, my lub!</div><div>Buster</div> </div></body>