.hmmessage P
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Good morning and happy new year to all, human, canine, feline, equine etc... Oscar made it through the night without incident. Yay !!!!!!! I'm slowly figuring him out. He needs constant attention or he'll bark/howl . When he's ready he will go lie down on his bed. He's not used to being on a leash. His owner's daughter said she just let him out the door and he'd come back when he was ready. (strange) Maggie intimidates him which is probably normal. Last night they each slept on a couch. If i hadn't got up they would probably still be sleeping. we took them out and they're laying back down. I think he's not used to being in a loving family environment. I'm sure his owner's will call today but i really don't think i can let him go back. i wish i could read his mind. well, i'll keep you posted.<br><br>Have a wonderful day,<br><br>Kimberly, mommy to maggie & oscar?(can i change his name to Barney?)<br> </div></body>