<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>Hi all, Snoopy here,</DIV>
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<DIV>It's official. I have heard from Roland, Duke of Ears and I have been inducted into the OEBE. I'm thrilled. I ran straight into the kitchen and made off with a container of humus (garlic humus, anyone want a kiss) and a whole bag of baby carrots to celebrate.</DIV>
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<DIV>Last night we had cow. MY cow. The rest of the family feels the cow should be shared but any cow is MY cow (including the stuffed one that goes moooo). MY cow. I was making that crystal clear when momPerson handed me a carrot bone. Carrot bone, coming through with my carrot bone, everyone out of the way ... middle of the living room floor ... carrot bone. It takes me about 5 minutes to eat a large carrot. I make a heck of a mess but I do love my carrot bones. Cyrus won't eat 'em. His carrots have to be baby carrots which are tiny and already peeled, because he's a big baby. Anyway it turns out 5 minutes is long enough for momPerson to carve a roast without me trying to drive everyone (including her) out of the kitchen so that I can get at MY cow. </DIV>
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<DIV>We went to the dog park yesterday. Only regulars were there yesterday. I did my meets and greets and sniffed the perimeter and then ..... Cooper the border collie showed up. Cooper is like my brother Cyrus, he is all about the ball. And me, I love to run. So I spent the next half an hour running at top speed while shouting AAAAHHHHHHRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO as loud as I possibly could chasing after Cooper who was chasing after the ball. Seriously. Half an hour. Back and forth and back and forth and back and forth the length of the dog park for half an hour as fast as these little tiny basset legs will carry my 75 lb self. I had my shots last week. The vet says I am NOT overweight. I am HUGE. But not fat. I am a rock like my brother. I am also as big as Cyrus when we are both laying down.</DIV>
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<DIV>Next Wednesday is my first gotcha day. What a difference a year makes, eh? Just last week a stranger at the dog park asked momPerson if Cyrus and I had been together since we were puppies. We play together ... some ... and if I offend anyone with my Ahrooooos Cyrus will come over and stand between me (the offender) and the strange dog (offendee) until the offendee decides he's not offended after all. Cyrus is alpha at our dog park. Always has been, so that's that. It's not really the fact that we play together or that he backs me up, it's more the way we touch each other when we're close. If you have multiple dogs or bonded pairs you'll know what I mean. If you don't then I can't explain it. But momPerson says its kind of rare for two adult male dogs to bond when one was 6 1/2 and has been in the home for 5 years and the other was 5 and skinny and scared and unsocialized (who me?) and just showed
up out of the blue. But, we did and we do. </DIV>
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<DIV>After all, Cyrus is my body guard. And believe me, I need one.....MY ball (even if you brought it) MY cow (even if you cooked it) MY treat (even if your momPerson is offering it to you) ... mine, mine, mine. Oh, and this is Cyrus if you doubt it.</DIV>
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<DIV>More later from Snoopy OEBE </DIV></div></body></html>