<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'><P><BR>Momcakes! Happy New Year to ya. You just knew that I'd get to spend New Year's Eve with our pack.......cept there is a problem. I can't find Yahoo. He's the father of my puppies Chunky, Cadbury, Fanne May, Tootsie Roll and Cocoa.........senior guy at our breeder's house. What? He's with you? That is just not right. We love him! Everybody loves Yahoo. He's a Chdawg, but doesn't let it go to his head.....nobody loves a ride more than Yahoo....all they have to do is leave the van door open and he's in. He came with me and Sampson to the Metro Bash. Heck, our she slave has a pet gear stroller here just in case Yahoo wants, er wanted a ride......</P>
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<P>Sob. It was nice to sniff my family, but I did NOT like being the oldest houndie there.....I'm only 7!! Apparently Auntie Feyfey pulled out all the stops for the New Year. Auntie's Taco and Peachie and Brie and Gramma Cammie and Shazam were all very busy doing what Mama Tootsie wanted. Huge spread and bubbly flowing like water........lots of pawty going on, noisemakers, silly hats.....and entertainment. Oh dear, the entertainment. Mama Tootsie cleared Elvis and Sinatra and for reasons I don't understand, Jackie Cooper....some hound named Cleo asked for him. My dear formerly blind Uncle Hot Bot who wagged like me and who can now see looked over from his plate of caninapes and there was his brother, Yahoo! He got a ride to the bridge and waddled right in.</P>
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<P>Feyfey was not happy. A good guy like Yahoo shoulda been greeted. Did ya hear the WOOFING. CLARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Auntie Feyfey is in a dither about Yahoo just turning up. Apparently Clara was supposed to ask for coverage if she wanted the night off....and well, maybe had a little too much pawty and took a nap under the buffet. Feyfey would have made Pw. Rosie do it. She was 16 and a white dawG..........and likes a good pawty herself. Good thing Clara is a PW, cause she is in the dawGhouse with Mama Tootsie and Momcakes say you do NOT want to be in the dawGhouse with Mama Tootsie, yes ma'am. I know. Keep typing.</P>
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<P>Yahoo has a nice place with our many too many relatives at the bridge...Especially our Sr. houndie cousins, Dolly Madison and Rosie who is herself a white houndie. Oooooops. I wasn't supposed to tell you that Rosie took a little nap on the perch and Clara beat paw over to the punch bowl..........</P>
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<P>I am very sorry for my puppers and the rest of Yahoo's kids and my breederslaves.............cause <EM>it just wasn't the same without Yahoo.</EM></P>
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