<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:18pt"><div>A big heartfelt thank you to Debbie and many, many Droolers who have helped and comforted me during the passing of Phoebe and Delilah. Phoebe went to the Bridge 12 days ago, and Delilah 7 days, and each day has been difficult, but the post from Debbie gave me a wonderful vision and I haven't stopped believing, and it made me smile. You are so wonderful to take the time to make people smile and believe who have a very heavy heart. Many Droolers have taken the time to send me emails to give their sympathy and kindness and I have also passed them on to Delilah's family. I am thanking all of you on behalf of both of us. It has made a very difficult time more bearable knowing people truly care. Delilah's cultures came back as positive for Distemper. It is all a mystery and we will never know the answer why, because
she was vaccinated. Her sister passed the same day in Colorado, but 9 are well. Many people, especially Helena and Kathy worked so hard to get them out of the Missouri Mill, and although her future was not as we had envisioned or expected, we do know that she felt very loved, and that counts for a lot. She died in the arms of her forever mom Barbra, who loves her dearly, was loved and snuggled each day by me, her foster mom, who got to enjoy her before she was sick, and even made the front page of my local newspaper because an American soldier stationed in Missouri who was coming home to Ohio for the weekend, volunteered to transport Delilah, Edward, Wilma, and Karis for the 10 hour drive that he said was priceless. They kept him company as he drove all night, and he always asks about them. How many 24 year old men would do that? When Delilah, Karis, and Wilma left for New Jersey 10 days later, a wonderful pilot volunteered to fly them. Pilots N
Paws are the best. These puppies have touched so many lives in a positive way. Delilah is at the Bridge romping and playing like puppies should, Wilma and Karis are in their forever homes. Edward is with me. He was the scared and shy boy, but has a friend, Odie, my rescue pup that has a heart murmur and a kidney issue, the same age and they are playing, and he is starting to trust people, and he smiles! Yes, he wrinkles his nose and shows his teeth and wiggles all over. I just took my basset Ralphey outside because he had to potty and although we have a doggy door, he is afraid of the dark. I sit here at the computer and he nibbles at my legs and whines to tell me I need to go out mom. I am walking through the yard with him and look at the cloudy sky and 2 stars very close together are shining extra bright. Although my heart skips a beat and my tears hit the snow, I know Phoebe and Delilah are together and smiling at me and my
Zoey, who went to the Bridge in June are watching over them. Ironically, Phoebe was a Distemper survivor as a pup in the pound, which is amazing in itself, but the horrid disease remains and destroys when it wants where it wants, and at only age 2, Phoebe's body said no more. I miss everything about her, and although I have many other rescue bassets sharing our life that we dearly love, Phoebe and Delilah took a piece of our hearts with them, but at the same time have reinforced that although their life on earth was short, being rescued and loved is worth the hurt and it won't stop us from helping other bassets in need, young or old. Many Thanks, Maribeth <br></div></div></body></html>