<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>Hi all, Snoopy here,</DIV>
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<DIV>Whew, we've never heard the like of it at our house. Thor is home and he is one dissatisfied customer. He feels GREAT. He wants to run and play and bounce around with memememememememe. Cyrus told him it was NOT ok. Cyrus read his postop instructions to him half a dozen times. Do you think Thor listened? Yeah ... about that ...</DIV>
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<DIV>momPerson came home with Thor last night and put him in the crate and he started to cry. So, she got him back out and looked him over and let him go potty and put him back .... and he started to cry. So, she let him cry .... and cry .... and cry ... and then she got him back out and laid down on the ottoman with him and Cyrus got up there and laid down with them and put his muzzle on Thor's haunch and everything was quiet ..... and then Thor decided to get down and try to play with memememememe so momPerson grabbed him and put him back in the crate .... and he cried.</DIV>
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<DIV>So after a while she fed him and watered him and let him go potty again and put him back in the crate .... and guess what? So she took me and Cyrus for a walk and dadPerson let the little guy out and he was almost asleep in a chair and we came back and he wanted to get down and play with mememememe .... so he got crated .... and he cried. And cried.</DIV>
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<DIV>So momPerson wrote to Nigel and Llewis and Conly's momPerson and said HELP ME!!! Did I mention that my momPerson is clueless? I did? Well, theirs isn't so she said cover the crate. Worked for 14 seconds. Then she said ... use a Kong. Thor didn't want the Kong (it had peanut butter in it). I wanted the Kong. I was trying HARD to get INTO the crate to get the Kong. That didn't help. So the experienced momPerson said ... try a spray bottle. My clueless momPerson wound up with a wet crying basset. So then she had to open up the crate and pet his little head dry and cuddle him and hold him in there. So then she asked the other momPerson if she could put Thor in a small room with a person instead of a crate and they agreed on that ... so FINALLY Natalie went to bed and momPerson put Thor and Natalie to be together and shut the door. They both went right to sleep.</DIV>
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<DIV>But Natalie had to go to school this morning so momPerons locked Cyrus and I up with dadPerson and turned Thor loose to go potty and eat and drink and get his postop meds and an ice pack .... and then she pushed him in the crate and packed lunches and fed me and Cyrus and got the girls off to school and handed dadPerson a pair of earplugs and left for work.</DIV>
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<DIV>Guess what? Thor can ahroooooooo too. And Thor's ahroooooo is no match for ear plugs. dadPerson has tried everything. He locked Cyrus and I outside and let Thor out .... and Thor sat in the chair and cried for us both. So dadPerson let us in and we were good for 3 whole minutes and then Thor and I want to play and ..... guess who wound up back in the crate crying.</DIV>
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<DIV>The vet says we can't play for 3-7 days. momPerson says she's gonna die.</DIV>
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<DIV>more later from Snoopy</DIV></div></body></html>