I'm a little late, but I'd like to mention that my very large boy Flash is a perfect little boys M in t-shirts. I'm actually happy he's such a small size - how embarrassing :) <br><br>Flash is basically bare on his tummy and has skin allergies. He can scratch himself raw and has been known to break open one of his nipples from scratching it too much, leaving a bloody mess all over my carpet as well as giving me a heart attack at all the blood lost and his broken nipple. The t-shirt has all but eliminated this from happening. Those t-shirts are the best investment we've ever made for him.<br>
<br>I saw someone say they modified their tees so the boy dog doesn't pee on them - I have to say I haven't been that smart - mostly we just tuck it up when we let him out the back door - but you're probably on to something and I should consider doing this.<br>
<br>He's also rather barrell-chested and we've found the little boys t-shirts from Target work well. They fit him well, they have held up to fighting them on my stubborn hound and are like $4. This means the few times he's broken his skin and bled all over them, we can just throw away the really awfully dirty ones and have no qualms about it. I have no affiliation, just passing on my experiences. <br>
<br>My biggest "complaint" about them is that they're only a Spring/Summer seller. We're ready for a few more in the rotation and I keep stopping in to see if the short-sleeve are in stock yet - so far I've only seen long-sleeve. Plus, Flash is still made at me for not buying the camouflage one last year - he's hoping I'll rectify that this year. <br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Nicole Haase<br><a href="mailto:nicole.haase@gmail.com">nicole.haase@gmail.com</a><br><br>