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I spoke with a young man at Petsmart one day and learned a lot about pet food. There was a specific treat that a friend told me about that really looked yummy and I wanted to buy it for Ella. When I looked at the back of the package it said "Distributed in South Carolina" I have since seen treats and packages with the same wording. But now I am too smart to by swayed by their wording. The young man told me that China bets a company with an American address to distribute the treats, but they are MADE IN CHINA! So unless it says MADE in the USA I will not buy it!<br><br>This young man should be promoted to advertising with his ideas. He said he has recommended Petsmart set up a section that states the food has been made in the USA. How American would that be for them to do!<br><br>So Ella did not get those yams wrapped in bacon, but she is certainly not neglected when it comes to treats. There are a few I would not mind munching on myself they smell so good. <br><br>Diane, Bob and Ella Louise<br> </div></body>