<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:Courier New, courier, monaco, monospace, sans-serif;font-size:14pt"><div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">Hey everyone!</SPAN></div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">We are in need for some drool for our puppy Sasha (who is 10 months old TODAY!)... Yesterday she was diagnosed with Kennel Cough!! She is to stay quiet; no running or jumping for at least a week, maybe two while she is recouperating AND she is supposed to stay isolated from her two big sisters!! I don't know how we're going to do this!! She is the most active basset and she just LOVES her Madden, and visa versa!!! This is going to be one LONG week!! At least I get to take some time out when I go to work at night, but she'd be sleeping then, so I won't get as much enjoyment and respute had I been working days, but whatever!!</SPAN></div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">So, if you can feed your hounds something extra yummy to get the "No More Kennel Cough and Help With the 2-Leggers Nerves" </SPAN><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">drool coming, we would GLADLY appreciate it!! :-)</SPAN></div>
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<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">~Gwen - Slave to Teddi, Madden and Sasha~</SPAN></div>
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