<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:Courier New, courier, monaco, monospace, sans-serif;font-size:14pt"><div><span>Shawn and I went to see the show 7-Live yesterday with the group from Citizen Canine. We were representing Golden Gate Basset Rescue (one of the beneficiaries of tomorrow's Wags -N- Wuv event from 11a-3p!!). I filmed the TV when it re-aired at 1am last night, so the sound might not be that great, but you'll definately be able to see us 'cuz we are wearing our bright yellow GGBR Waddle T-Shirts and Shawn was in the front row 'cuz they liked his comment to the question "would you use a drug sniffing dog if you think your kids were on drugs?". I also edited it so that you only see the crowd shots and the one segment where Shawn gets to talk. Anyways - check out the link on you-tube and if you're not doing anything tomorrow and you'll be in Oakland, stop by Citizen Canine and check
out the raffle, the booths and the bassets and help support GGBR!!</span></div><div><span></span> </div><div><font color="#6000bf" face="tahoma, new york, times, serif">~Gwen - Slave to Teddi, Madden and Sasha (who is still sick, but getting better every day!)~ (:></font></div><div><font color="#8000ff"></font> </div></div></body></html>