first off all my gates have always either been locked or nailed shut..not only for idiots but for daddy who can be an idiot..also we are not allowed to unlock it to do something and not lock it back up immediately ..because of daddy it is such a PITA for him to have to unlock a gate (men??) that he lifts the lawnmover over the fense (go figure)<div>
<br></div><div>We have also moved alot..we thought to build to something nice but the economy took care of that dream but none the less..when we look at a new house it has to have the ability for a "double door rule" our current house is perfect as it has that at both the front door (we have a gate across the entrance to our porch..and our back door which we teachically have a triple gate there with the entering thru the if you want to go outside at our house you have to go into the laundry room and close the door..then enter the garage and close the door..then open the garage...and you get yelled at if you dont do it right</div>
<div><br></div><div>daddy is the only one hearewho has let a dog out so iffen he is gonna act like a forgetful teenager then "if the shoe fits" hehehehhe</div>