<font><font face="verdana,sans-serif"><div><br>Dis Nigel. Yestiddy an taday awreddy I bin makin MPerson nutso gettin off da bed an wantin to go ousside and inside and ousside an gettn offen da couch an wantin drinkies an ousside an all dat. Jus youse nose, ressless. So dis mornin I startd erly whinin an gettin offen da bed where I sposed ta stay an finely she say (affer I bin ousside twicet wf DadPerson who nebbermines takkin me ousside) (Sumtimez MPerson juss beller NO an dats dat whut meen I gotta start wif da whinin, reel soff at firss an juss now an den, werkin up to alla time lowd..Drive her crazy reely crazy.)</div>
<div>So dis mornin she sez he gotta go for a walker wif da cart.</div><div>An she look at da fing whut say how hot it is an she whimper a liddel cuz it not, defnutly not hot.</div><div>But off we goes enyway an wes truckin along juss fine an we tekes a lil differmint root an we comes inna park from da becksides.</div>
<div>Now off an on MPerson an me we sniffs skonk. So she watchin an Ise sniffin but it not strong an onlee sumtime so figger won bin in a bad fite wif a car.</div><div>Down da path we sees lotsa peepels an in da chirch place where da cars wait we sees some ofishal lookin cars an sum peepels kinder stannin round an juss den da nicey man wif da 3 nasty liddel barky yappy snak size dogs come runnin to he bek fence an say GO ODDER WAY GO ODDER WAY DERE A SICK SKONK AROWN!!!</div>
<div>I lissens an he tell MPerson da skonk bin arown yestiddy an dis mornin, an it runned at he fence when da dogs ousside an try ta get thro it but he runs out an grebs his snak--dogs an calls da poleeses an dey call aminul control an he call a wilelife person an altogedder dey down dere by da bridge tryna figger out whut ta do.</div>
<div>Dey no nose where da skonk wented.</div><div>Dey figger it sik enuff die soon but dey radder ketch it firs an hab it testd for sumfine, I no nose whut. Souns like dey fink it part rabbit frum whut I heers.</div><div>
So we turns roun and goes home da odder, longer way. Long walker, Ise tekin a nap. Tootels.</div><div>Lub an Drool to all in need</div><div> </div><div>Nigel ob Nigel, Llewis, Conley an Cooper</div><div> </div><div> </div>
<div>(MomPerson adds: around here bats usually carry rabies, not skunks, but they certainly can. The fact that it is out in daylight and going towards other animals certainly isn't a good sign. If they put a trap out they are more likely to catch a raccoon, possum or someone's cat than a skunk, especially a sick skunk. Of course it may have something else, or may have been hit by a car and is out of his mind. Who knows. But I think we will avoid the park for a few days.)</div>