<div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Had a nervous breakdown.</font></font></div><div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">MomPerson has been painfully sober since she started Weight Watchers. She is plotting a 20 pound celebration but it may not be for quite awhile.</font></font></div>
<div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Speaking of which.</font></font></div><div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Llewis and Conley are fat little ticks. Conley loves beans but Llewis refuses to touch them. Do I let him starve or is there another substitute for his kibble that will fill him up?</font></font></div>
<p><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Conley and Cooper</font></font></p><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif"><div><br></div></font></font>