With all the talk about bassets needing muzzles at the vets it reminded me of our Coopers behavior issue (though it is not vet related). Cooper, whenever someone is WALKING (not just moving) towards him, growls and barks ferociously. <br>
Coopers story: Our family "rescued" him from an emotionally (the dog did have plenty of food and water nearby) neglectful owner in a small town north of us...to make a long story short my dad saw the dog in the yard, saw the owner and complimented him on what a beautiful dog he had and the owner said "Do you want him?" and gave him to folks with AKC papers and everything no charge. He said he was a long haul trucker and took one dog with him but could not take Cooper too. <br>
So we do not know if the reason for Cooper's behavior is that whenever someone approached him it was to abuse him or what but my mom says when they took Cooper to the vet he was well behaved, did not growl or anything. My dad was advised by our vet to use a hard approach with Cooper as in when Cooper starts barking and growling at him to basically bark and growl right back...they have loud and sometimes long arguements like this. I've thought maybe approaching Cooper with a treat and when he stops growling and barking to give him the treat but Cooper does not do this with me (I'm in a wheelchair so I can't "walk" towards him, so he does not see me as a threat). Any suggestions from anyone else having a similar issue reply on the Drool or to me privately whichever you prefer.<br>
<br>Thanks,<br>Camee and Adele slaves to Miss Ellie May, Cooper and Belle guinea pig in charge<br>(Ted ATB, Jose ATB, and Charlie Blue ATB)<br>