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<div><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Everyone, </FONT></div>
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<div>Through Val and her Bo, Commander of the Pacific Basset Feet, my Mom and I "met" Chris at the Western Missouri Basset Rescue and we've decided to donate $1.00 of our royalties for each copy of our book, <EM>The Basset Chronicles</EM>, that is sold to WBRI. Check out their mission statement at <A href="http://www.wmbri.org/" target=_blank>www.wmbri.org</A>. </div>
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<div>You can purchase our book--a collection of tails, er tales, about Basset Hounds through the ages. both Biblical and Modern times--through Mom's Literary Blog site at <A href="http://www.junejmcinerney.com/" target=_blank>www.JuneJMcInerney.com</A>. Ever wonder how we were first creates? Or who really saved the Ark? Travel with me on my imaginary adventures in Ireland!</div>
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<div>BTW, I am now an Ensign First Class in the PBF -- sniffer of stories and keeper of the ships log! Ahoy!</div>
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<div>Thank you all, sloppy wet Drools, and a hefty baying bark from me, </div>
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