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<font style="font-size:12pt" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="3">Brenda's story of Elphaba's marathon reminds me of my Flash. Not the distance run, but that heart-stopping, head-pounding, "I will never be the same idiot person again" feeling.<br><br>A few weeks ago, Paul came in from the workshop and said, "Did you know the mudroom door was left ajar?" What?? No!! <br><br>And no Flash. Wilma's on her bed, but no Flash. In desperation I even checked the broom closet. There's a ton of snow outside, and it's shockingly cold and it's night. We have owls and racoons and foxes and coyotes, all of whom I ordinarily love but who have suddenly become The Enemy. The little acre we have is heavily treed. And I know that if we can't find Flash he will die. Of exposure. <br><br>Really, anyone who's ever had this happen knows that sheer horror--AND IT WAS MY FAULT!! No matter that the outside door from the mudroom has *never* been easy to shut. IT WAS MY FAULT!!<br><br>Paul, being the sensible one, found Flash under the back porch, merely waiting. I'm pretty sure he headed there because it's one enormous litter box for the next-door-neighbour's cats.<br><br>So Flash had a grand adventure and I had palpitations (which were remedied by a good cuppa tea). Flash was still warm, even. But now I have one *more* thing to be neurotic about--making *sure* the side door is closed tighter than the proverbial drum. <br><br>It was ten minutes of pure Hell. And now I understand all of you who've had their dogs get loose. I think we may be the people who have more grey hair than should ever be allowed.<br><br><br>Veronica Woodruff<br><br><br>(Stillwater Lake, Nova Scotia) <br><br><br id="ecxFontBreak"></font><br><br><font style="" color="#7030a0"><font style="" color="#632423"><font style="" color="#7030A0">"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." Herm Albright</font><br></font></font> </div></body>