No package is safe. When the UPS guys showed up yesterday, two bassets where sitting quietly on the front porch, sunning themselves. He asked "Where's the wild one..." With that, came a sound thundering through the house. In a blink of an eye, the wild one was through the dog door, down the steps and wiggling at the gate. "More packages for me.... yum...." My cleaning lady calls him "crazy". All that goes through my mind is that song "Wild thing". 7 months old today - Saint Patrick's Day. A song in his honor.<div>
<br><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,'Times New Roman';font-size:16px">Wild make my purse sting...<br>You chew everything<br>Arrooooovy<br>I said wild thing...<br>
<br>Wild thing, I think I'll walk you<br>Take that pillow off the floor<br>Come on, drop it right...<br>I love you<br><br>Wild make my purse sting...<br>You chew everything<br>Arrooooovy<br>I said wild thing...<br>
<br>Wild thing, you took my best jeans<br>Why they're on the kitchen floor<br>So come in, drop it right....<br>You stun me</span><br></div></div>