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<div>My two-legger son sent me this link:</div>
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<div><A href="http://www.dogster.com/the-scoop/if-the-characters-in-downton-abbey-were-portrayed-by-canine-actors-what-breeds-would-they-be" target=_blank>http://www.dogster.com/the-scoop/if-the-characters-in-downton-abbey-were-portrayed-by-canine-actors-what-breeds-would-they-be</A></div>
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<div>Arthur and I are trying to decide if they are correct about Mr. Bates. What do other droolers think? Arthur and I are faithful fans of the Abbey and we think they have totally nailed some of the other breeds to the characters. Maybe we are just a little sensitive about bassets. Any other opinions out there? Kathleen and Arthur of Canada </div>
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