<div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Taday da MomPerson gone moss ob da day off or on. Meen she come in go out gone long, come in go out, gone long. She come home feed we an lettuce ousside an leeb agin. (Oh yeah an she letted we beke insside.)</font></font></div>
<div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">So dis wonce time she come home an didunt lettuce ousside but feed we inssted. Dis is fine. Grate in fack.T. Fackt. In fackt. An den she lettuce ousside an WHOAWHOAWHOAHERE WHASSDIS??? WhatdissmellatdaGate??? Dis ANODDER DOG!!! Dis smell like ANODDER DOG bin in da yard ARE YARD, da yard WE OWN! What dis ?? Smell da trail it go here an dere and here an dere and WHOOOO he POOPED IN ARE YARD!!!!!! We bedder tell an so we dun sung out aboudit, we follers da trail and it goes an comes right unner da gate!! Holy Stray Dog!!! We tells Momperson we yells an hollers followin da trail aroun da yard, ARE YARD.... an MomPerson, she Laff.</font></font></div>
<div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Kin you bleeve it? She LAFFT!!!</font></font></div><div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Dis bin Conley an Nigel an Llewis reportin.</font></font></div><div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif"></font></font> </div>
<div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif"></font></font> </div><div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">MomPerson says:</font></font></div><div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">It is true. There was another dog in the yard. My son's girlfriend's dog, Koda came and used the yard. I let them in the side gate while my boys ate-- they never knew Koda was there until they went out after he was long gone.</font></font></div>
<div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">It was fascinating. Cooper went out and didn't react, but the Bassets!! They ran out the door and skidded to a stop, whirled around and hit the gate. Noses down, they went all over the yard where Koda had been, getting more and more excited, tails going, suddenly the two boys, Conley and Llewis, burst into bays, charging around the yard, noses to the ground, bellowing their lungs out. Cooper standing there in the middle of the yard with a "You two idiots!" look. It was hysterical. It gave Llewis and Conley five whole minutes of mind-blowing track to follow.</font></font></div>
<div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">I should hire dogs to come use the yard, it gave them such a thrill.....</font></font></div><div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif"></font></font> </div><div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis, Conley and Cooper</font></font></div>
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