Dear Drool Friends<br><br>I need drool for Truman, my young (6) basset hound. He suffered a back injury and had been just lying on the floor on the 26th of March. He went to the vet when we got home from Heidi's beach house. The vet did xrays, much feeling and poking around, and they did a full blood panel.<br>
Truman had gotten a little better by yesterday, but was still not very mobile when I got home from Seattle. So, we quickly drove him to the vet's office again. Luckily, our favorite vet for 20 years, Dr. Mills, was there. He said that it was probably a pulled muscle and tight muscles around his spine. Truman had been given muscle relaxers, but now Dr. Mills also recommended massage, water therapy, and possibly acupuncture.<br>
<br>So Friday Truman has has first water therapy appointment. I've seen videos of many dogs in water therapy treatment. If you've done it for your dog, please let me know who it went.<br><br>I myself have had acupuncture for back strain. I helped me. I'm going to investigate for Truman as well.<br>
<br>As back surgery costs thousands of dollars, I'm hoping that Truman has no spinal stenosis or disk damage to his disks. The Dadperson has brain surgery (we knew he was slightly off, bwahahahah) coming up in Sacramento soon. Too many sick boys around here. The Dadperson's surgery is m inimally invasive and hopefully will help his tremors.<br>
<br>Truman: he may have tremors, but he still can pet me!<br><br>Janice with Truman, Roland, and Data the Pesky Dawg<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div><font color="#3333ff" size="4">Janice Henry Colvin</font></div><br>