<div>We don't have much trouble with fleas and ticks, but the gnats, mosquitoes and biting flies are just terrible! I am glad to hear Marlene say that you can be allergic to gnat bites because my guys are just miserable with them and the mosquitoes. I don't think anyone likes biting flies whether you are allergic or not. Anyway, we use heartguard. Then I use Vectra. I LOVE VECTRA! Yes, it does cost more than Advantax. But, there are some really big advantages to it. It doesn't smell. The smell of the Advantax makes my eyes run. It also doesn't make me break out in a rash. It also doesn't leave an oily streak on the dog. I put it on the dogs after they eat and just before they go in their crates for the evening. When they wake up in the morning, it is completely dry and you can't tell where I put it on them. The vet says that it is fully absorbed better even when the skin layer is not perfect. All I know is it doesn't make me or the dogs sick, it repels the stinking biting bugs, and it isn't tied into the heartworm pill. I only use it as needed, not by the calendar. I need to get some for little Browyn because there is no way she is going to hit 50 pounds like her brothers.</div>
<div>Jennifer, momslave to Beauford, Bugsey and Browyn</div>