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<DIV>Ugh....poor Lexi..poor MOMMA...Lexi had a skin tag removed off of her chin area a couple of weeks ago...and the vet has had her wearing a cone..which she loves (sarcasm inserted here)..she has been so very good about it though...during this time, I had a couple of days off and decided to change her to a grain free diet. Well, I have been putting Fiber One on her food and forgot..so..not only was she getting used to the new food, but no more fiber one..so.......she got constipated! I feel soooo bad, so I added it back, but she is eating much less...I have already tried an enema, and magnesium...dont notice anything yet... a friend is telling me she is depressed about the cone, but it comes off today.........drool appreciated! She is not over weight, but doesnt need to lose any....she does eat a little, but I think the constipation is the problem...<BR> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=courier color=#4040ff size=4><EM>Catherine --Lexi's frustrated momma</EM></FONT></DIV></div></body></html>