<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">miss betty here..<br>well, the picnic held in my honor was most wonderful. i dare say those mid atlantic people did an amazing job on my "debut' event! <br><br>the food was to die for! little finger food sammies..delicate enough for even my dainty size 14 paws..& the varieties..ham, turkey, roast beefus, veggie...cakes, cookies, salads, pickles...there was a whole ROOM devoted to just food. can you imagine that? my only complaint was that there were no little carrots..i do love my little tiny carrots...tsk tsk.<br><br>next there were raffle things and merchandise to shop thru. miss lois, my driver actually won 2 baskets. yes those were her words as she so daintily bellowed when her number was called. thankfully one was a basket of toys just for me, not for that other heathen buster. miss lowla, my
peepette & i have been having mkuch fun tormenting him with the squeaky items.<br><br>in the back there was a HUGE play area full of thing to bask in the glow & meet the adoring fans. ramps and raised paths, play houses, dog beds and best of all a sand box. sally spent her day there along with most of the other hounds. who knew a sand box would be such a favorite? she never left!<br><br>it was nice to finally meet so many of my adoring fans & those who helped cover the cost of my medical expenses. i shared the love right back. <br><br>i was tired at the end tho..it was hard work keeping track of my driver miss lois I did have to follow her around & make sure she wasn;t going thru people's bags for food or anything rude. i did notice she talked with quite a number of people including a great family named angus who took home a studly boy named angus ("angus angus")<br><br>it was a most
wonderful time as i said. i am so happy to have landed in rescue! & rumor has it i might be leaving here soon to go to a for ever home...i don't know what lois will do without me..i have certainly enjoyed myself here....<br><br><br>signed<br>miss betty the delicate diva<br><br>(who by the way went to the vet yesterday for a mani pedi & gave kisses as her nails were done..not bad for the girl whose nails curled under her feet so bad..)<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;"><br><span style="font-style:italic;color:rgb(0, 191, 191);">"Creativity is intelligence having fun." </span> Albert Einstein<br><br>"Antiquity" @www blurb .com<br>"<span style="font-family:garamond, new york, times, serif;">Tater Takes a Trip"</span></span><span style="font-family:garamond, new york, times, serif;"> @ www.blurb.com </span><span
style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-family:bookman old style, new york, times, serif;"><br style="font-family:garamond, new york, times, serif;"><span style="font-family:garamond, new york, times, serif;">"Passion...a journey</span>"</span> </span> @ www.blurb.com<br><span style="color:rgb(0, 191, 191);"><br></span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold;"></span><br></td></tr></table>