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<div style='padding:0 0 10px 0'><font face='font-family:segoe tv,Arial,Verdana'>WEEK #484<br><br>"FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT HOUNDIES"<br><br>Dearest Droolers: This will be the last in the series of FQAH....Starting next week we here at the Castle (BABES) will start a new brand of weekly messages. After many a meeting we have decided to put in print the most common Complaints of our fellow Houndies. This has been decided on the requests of all members and those concerned.<br><br>#66.....<br> " EPITAPH FOR HIS DOG BURIED AT NEWSTEAD ABBY 1808"<br> <br> "Near this spot are deposited the remains of one Who possessed beauty without vanity, Strength without insolence, Courage without ferocity, And all the virtues of man without the vices.<br> This praise, which would be unmeaning flattery If inscribed over human ashes. Is but a just tribute to the memory of "BOATSWAIN", a dog"<br> ( "Lord Byron")<br><br>This certainly would be appropriate for all Our Departed Houndies.<br><br>I Remain As Always,<br>L. L. <br>Lovely Lucy</font></div>