<div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Nigel Llewis an Conley heer wishin da very bestest day to allayouse guys an wimmin out dere whut in or bin in da Forces.</font></font></div><div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Youse guys fantastical. We proud ta nose youse an fank you for a wunnerful job an beein out dere for we an our peepels. Cuase ob youse I gots a good plasce to live an I kin still rite my noospaper an rant about da gummint. Cuza you I get ta say sumfin bowt who I call Prez. (</font></font><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Course I no vote but I whisper to one who can. So far we battin zeero, but dat's sumfin else, not you fawlt she nebber lissen to me.)</font></font></div>
<div><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Enyways we way proud ob youse an eben wif we complainin we free to complain so youse guys and wimmin heers to you, da very bestest, we lub youse.</font></font></div><p><font><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Nigel, Llewis, Conley an MomPerson draggin along for fun.</font></font></p>
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