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<div>Yesterday morning I got up at 7 and the house was very quiet. Unusual since Loki begins his barking campaign to get me up around 6:30 but due to "neighbor "issues, they don't go out until 7. As I reached the first floor I saw trash in the hallway, then trash in the family room, kitchen and laundry room. And it was spread all over. Loki had knocked over my large trash can in the laundry room, dragged the bag out and then carted the contents all over. How do I know it was Loki? Because Crackers and Jordan spent the night with me in the bedroom. Normally, I would have put the very full bag out the night before but I was tired and figured I would do it in the am when I went to get the paper. Coffee grounds, greasy paper towels from cleaning the broiler, you name it, it was everywhere. Fortunately, he hadn't gotten to a couple of UFOs (unidentified food objects) I found in the refrigerator and had tossed in the can. So now I am screaming, waving a broom as I try to clean up 3 rooms and hallway with 3 very interested bassets. Loki got put in the powder room so I only had to keep fending off the other two, Thirty minutes later I have most of the stuff in a new bag but the floors are greasy, there are ground in coffee grounds and bits of plastic wrap and torn paper towels I didnt have time for, So this weekend I will be busy cleaning up the aftermath of Hurricane Loki.</div>
<div>He is going to be 5 years old on June 22 and still has not gotten any brains. I have given up hope.</div>
Kathy with Crackers (can we go back to Mishgun?) Loki and Jordan.<br>
<div style="CLEAR: both">Kr1204<br>