<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:18pt"><div>Although Diamond says there have been no dogs sick from their recall, and the recall was voluntary, I really think there have been plenty of dogs sick. My son's Mastiff ate Natural Balance Lamb and Rice limited ingredient formula, and he had very severe diarrehea for 4 weeks and was under vet care. Explosive diarreaha with a 175# dog is a nightmare. I never realized Diamond was the manufacture. They have had a couple recalls, and it is a little to close for comfort to continue with them. Because Hercules was on antibiotics and other meds, the cultures didn't show salmonella, but the lab said it was very possible. Diamond said they could reimburse for the food, but no vet bills because it wasn't proven. He now eats Flint River Ranch, as all my bassets do, and is doing great. We feel comfortable they have never had
a recall and never outsource for their ingredients. We don't do any treats, toys, chewies, or food from China. <br></div></div></body></html>