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<DIV>I am sure that most of you remember me writing a few months back saying
that Magges, allergies ( were) under control and she was doing fantastic
! well the key word here is ( were) after starting her
on the 4 th bottle of extract, the ( strongest ) the bottom
fell out! she has loss most of her under coat and has several bald
red spots plus she is still getting the crusty lesions, Dr Melanie said her
hair should have grown back by now, I have been to the vets every
week for the last month trying to get this under control ,
today Dr. Melanie has decided to send my Maggie to Michigan
State University veterinary school of medicine Lansing MI to
see a dermatoligist, we have an appointment on the 28th of June at 8:00
AM In the meantime, my pain in my back and bad knee are
awful, I had a hard time driving Maggie 12 miles to the vet
today of course it doesn't help that I have had to bathe Maggie every day
for the past five days, lifting her in and out of the tub all by myself,
and bathing her on my knees ARGGGGGGGG !!!!!! I am
hunched over like GRANNY GERT ! I am going to go crack open a
bottle of wine now I bought two today !!!!!!! I dare NOT tell
hubby how bad I hurt he will take me out behind the shed and shoot me and stuff
me under the wood pile bwahahahahahaah</DIV>
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<DIV>Marlene mommy to Maggie and Annie</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>