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<div><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></FONT>Momma here. I will tell you the story of Jake in the thoughts that it might help someone else, make you all aware shall we say.</div>
<div>Several weeks ago, Jake became more of a handful than usual, refused to go out, snapping at the others, being a full rumpbone shall we say. Jake has always been a handful, he hates Bess, we keep them seperate and life works, they each have free run, but only of half the house. Jake is my office dog, he is upstairs with me during work hours, just him, his special time.</div>
<div>Jake stopped going out in the morning with hubby, then at night, I had to leash him and drag him out. We thought he was being a PITA---Jake can be good at this--keep that in mind. But one night, I was on the phone with Bev--Momperson herself. Hubby was trying to get Jake out, Bev heard the issue--and says--Debbie can he see????</div>
<div>Huh??? Of course he can see, he is stubborn. No Debbie, can he see?? Really Debbie, this sounds like night blindness, stop and think about this. She has my attention, and because of Bev, Jake is still alive. I am forever grateful. I had no clue, but as she explained and I got on the computer and read, watched closely, it did indeed look like Jake at 4 was loosing his sight. I made a appt. with Doc-we put up flood lights, changed the dog door, anything that looked like change needed to be made while he could still see. We adjusted, I talked to Doc before I took him in during Elwoods appt last week. We agreed that to load him up with composure and Doc was gonna have to get up close and personal with him. Jake is also on amatriptiline for his attitude. So off we go, Jake has had 10 composure over the course of the day, heck he was mellow, a good boy for Doc, nary a growl-----just as we planned.</div>
<div>Doc is not seeing anything in his eyes that jumps off the page, so we take him in the back for the full blood panel and Doc says lets check his blood pressure. </div>
<div>Doc returns, he actually just sagged in the doorway, he said Jake had massive high blood pressure. His blood pressure was 230. Normal in a dog is right around 140.</div>
<div>Huh??? 230---my DOg---stroke level plus here---but all of a sudden it all makes sense, the eyes, the moods, the refusual to go out at night. It all fit. I cant imagine what it would of been without the composure--really. That scared me to death.</div>
<div>We had to stop at the drug store and get his meds on the way home. Doc was dead serious, he had to have them that night. He is on Norvasc and Enalipril. </div>
<div>I asked Doc how does this happen, was it his weight-Doc said no, Jake is down to 80 pounds now, Doc said for his size and frame, he is not concerned about 80 pounds. He actually said Jake looked real good. Doc said they are seeing more and more of high blood pressure in dogs, but he said this is not something a vet normally checks---it is something that appears to be on the rise, and vets are now checking. I thought about this--yes, they always took Clara's, but she had a heart issue, I read all I could. it all says about the same. More or less a new issue vets are seeing, but they are now looking for it also. Is it breeding, Jake of course is a rescue, is it the kibble, the preservatives, the luck of the draw???? I have no clue. Doc says he feels it is a primary condition in Jake and he goes back tomorrow as Doc wants another vet there to check his eyes agin, take another reading on the BP since he has been on meds a few days now. </div>
<div>Is Jake better?? I think so, sometimes his eyes are blood red and you can tell he does not feel good, but those times seem less.</div>
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<div>High Blood Pressure in dogs, I guess this is something we all need to be aware of--we will keep you posted on my big red dog---hopefully tomorrow will find his pressure down, I think the meds are now working on his coat-his fur looks horrible-we are still in the beginning stages of this, but it appears it is sure is out there.</div>
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<div>We are not asking for drool, but if you have any thoughts, experience with this, please post on the drool, it will help us all to learn. It looks like new territory.</div>
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<div>Once agan, Bev, Jake would not be here if you wouldnt of made that call--many many heartfelt thanks!!!!</div>
<div style="CLEAR: both"><FONT color=black size=2 face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT color=black size=2 face=arial>
<div>Debbie Winchester <br>
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to <br>
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, <br>
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds<br>
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake</div>
<div> Sister Bessie, The Younger</div>
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